LG U+ trials real-time AI translations of university lectures

이태희 2024. 10. 21. 16:40
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LG U+ is trialing an AI translation feature for online lectures at Sookmyung Women's University and Soonchunhyang University, hosted on its metaverse platform Uverse.
An online lecture on LG U+'s metaverse platform, Uverse, is translated to English. [LG U+]

LG U+ is trialing an AI translation feature for online lectures at Sookmyung Women's University and Soonchunhyang University, hosted on its metaverse platform Uverse.

Since the start of this fall semester, online lectures held via the metaverse campuses of the two universities on Uverse have offered real-time translations in Korean, English and Chinese, according to the company on Sunday.

The virtual campuses, built on LG U+'s metaverse platform, are named Snowverse for Sookmyung Women's University and SCHU Hyflex-City for Soonchunhyang University.

Korean lectures can be translated into English and Chinese, while English lectures can be translated into Korean and Chinese. The translation feature uses speech recognition to convert lectures into text, with AI providing real-time translations displayed below the lecture screen.

LG U+ plans to expand the feature to other universities' metaverse campuses. Real-time translation will also be applied to virtual student counseling centers on Uverse.

"Applying AI technologies to the metaverse is becoming increasingly important, and we've been enhancing Uverse by introducing various AI-driven features," said Jeon Seung-hoon, managing director at LG U+. "We plan to boost the competitiveness of our service through AI, emphasizing our focus as a specialized metaverse platform."

BY LEE TAE-HEE [lee.taehee2@joongang.co.kr]

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