United Korean Founders officially launches in U.S.

2024. 10. 21. 10:57
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Jeong Sae-ju and Lee Ki-ha, Co-CEOs of UKF, and Chang Seung-joon, Vice Chairman of Maekyung Media Group, signed an MOU in New York on the 18th. (Lee Deok-joo)
The United Korean Founders (UKF) was officially launched on Friday, becoming the first organization to connect South Korean startup founders across Korea and the United States.

The UKF was launched during the 2024 NYC Startup Summit in New York.

UFK, co-founded by Jeong Sae-ju of Noom Inc., a healthcare software company, and Lee Ki-ha of venture capital firm Primer Sazze, aims to connect Korean startup founders around the world.

The NYC Startup Summit drew some 500 attendees, including Gyeonggi Province Governor Kim Dong-yeon, Korelya Capital Chief Executive Officer and former French Minister Delegate for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Innovation and the Digital Economy Fleur Pellerin, and Maekyung Media Group Vice Chairman Chang Seung-joon.

Founders of more than 10 Korean unicorns, including business messaging platform Sendbird Inc. were also present.

In addition, 50 Korean startups from around the world were given the opportunity to pitch to investors.

UKF plans to hold the UKF-82 Startups Summit in Silicon Valley in January next year for sectors such as finance, beauty and food.

Maekyung Media Group will serve as the official media partner of UKF.

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