[Graphic News] Korean police nab 474 suspects over deepfake sex crimes; 80% teens

2024. 10. 21. 08:02
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Police have rounded up 474 people connected to deepfake sex crimes so far this year, the Korean National Police Agency said.

Police received 921 reports related to deepfake sex crimes between January and Oct. 14, and they have arrested 474 suspects during this period, according to the NPA.

Over half of the reports, or 476 cases, were filed after police launched an intensive crackdown on such crimes in late August after the issue made national headlines following a string of similar cases on Telegram.

Of the apprehended suspects, 80.4 percent, or 381 people, were teenagers. Minors aged 10-14, who are exempt from criminal liability, amounted to 15 percent, or 71 people.

Those in their 20s accounted for 15.8 percent, or 75 people, followed by 13 in their 30s, two in their 40s, and three among those 50 and over. (Yonhap)

By Nam Kyung-don(don@heraldcorp.com)

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