Kakao Mobility, Samsung C&T partner for residential robot, parking solutions

2024. 10. 18. 11:09
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Chang Sung-wook, Head of Kakao Mobility’s Future Mobility Lab (right), and Cho Hye-jung, Head of Samsung C&T’s DxP Division, are taking a commemorative photo after the signing ceremony. (Kakao Mobility)
Kakao Mobility Corp. announced on Friday that it signed a partnership agreement with the construction division of Samsung C&T Corp. to expand the application of its robot solutions into residential spaces.

The agreement, signed on Wednesday, aims to integrate BRING into Samsung’s residential platform Homeniq and building platform Bynd to develop specialized services for housing and future living environments.

The partnership will allow Kakao Mobility to extend BRING beyond indoor delivery to offer services such as cleaning, outdoor delivery, and valet parking, the company said.

Kakao Mobility has been expanding the use of BRING across various locations since April, starting with the cultural space NOUDIT (Seoul Forest) in the capital city, followed by the RESTREE Resom in Jecheon, North Chungcheong Province, in August.

The partnership will also explore synergies between Kakao Mobility’s Kakao T Parking service and Samsung C&T’s housing and building platforms.

This includes developing and testing services like smart parking, charging infrastructure, and robotic valet parking.

The companies plan to first roll out large-scale robot services at two newly built Raemian apartment complexes, with a pilot program involving over 20 robots.

Following optimization, the solution will be gradually expanded to other complexes.

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