Peruvian-Korean seminar offers guidance on jobs and visas for international students

우지원 2024. 10. 15. 17:31
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"It is never easy to live in another country," said Han during his congratulatory speech. "I expect this seminar to provide valuable insights into employment in Korea and help you prepare step-by-step for your future journey."

The seminar featured several information sessions, starting with a keynote speech by Dr. Yanymee Guillen Quispe, the founder and president of Asapec and the first Peruvian to earn a doctorate from Seoul National University.

She emphasized the importance of education while sharing her journey of studying in Korea, reminding participants that "the most important thing is trying your best."

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The First International Job and Visa Seminar for international students was held on Tuesday in Gyeonggi, providing insights into the job and visa application process to assist with their settlement in Korea.
Paul Fernando Duclos Parodi, the Ambassador of Peru to Korea, center, President of Niied Han Sang-shin, third from left, and speakers pose for a photo during the First International Job and Visa Seminar held on Tuesday in Seongnam, Gyeonggi. [WOO JI-WON]

The First International Job and Visa Seminar for international students was held on Tuesday in Gyeonggi, providing insights into the job and visa application process to assist with their settlement in Korea.

Organized by the Peruvian-Korean Academic Association (Asapec) and sponsored by the Embassy of Peru in Korea and the National Institute for International Education (Niied), the event took place at the Niied Global Edu Hall in Seongnam, Gyeonggi. The president of Niied, Han Sang-shin, and Paul Fernando Duclos Parodi, the Ambassador of Peru to Korea, attended to congratulate the participants.

“It is never easy to live in another country,” said Han during his congratulatory speech. “I expect this seminar to provide valuable insights into employment in Korea and help you prepare step-by-step for your future journey."

The seminar featured several information sessions, starting with a keynote speech by Dr. Yanymee Guillen Quispe, the founder and president of Asapec and the first Peruvian to earn a doctorate from Seoul National University. She emphasized the importance of education while sharing her journey of studying in Korea, reminding participants that “the most important thing is trying your best.”

“This seminar is important because we want to learn more about jobs and companies while building a community,” Dr. Quispe said.

The event continued with a visa information session, where a licensed visa administrative agent explained how to obtain job and resident visas in Korea, followed by a job application session led by a director from the Korea Support Center, who offered guidance on writing Korean-style resumes and cover letters.

Jang Man-ik, a licensed visa administrative agent explains about visas during the First International Job and Visa Seminar held on Tuesday in Seongnam, Gyeonggi. [WOO JI-WON]

"I really enjoyed both the visa and job sessions as I was able to learn about things that I didn't know," said Tia Sinthia Khan, a Ph.D. student who attended the event. "The job application session was especially helpful because I didn't know how to write a Korean resume well before."

During the Startup Business session, Janith Dissanayake, co-founder and global technology leader at Newnop Group, shared business insights.

The seminar was organized by Asapec members who have studied or are currently studying in Korea, whom Ambassador Parodi referred to as the "ambassadors of Peru.”

“We have around 120 Peruvian students here, and they are the ones in close contact with Koreans, sharing similarities rooted in both countries’ rich civilizations and proud traditions," said Ambassador Parodi.

Ambassador Parodi highlighted the mutual benefits of holding informative events like this, calling it a "win-win situation" for both countries. Last year also marked the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Korea and Peru.

"Korea will gain people who are integrated into society, while Peru will provide important professionals who can contribute, especially at a time when Korea’s population is decreasing and there is a growing need for immigrants who can contribute to national interests," said Parodi.

"Korea and Peru have a very good relationship, not only politically but also in terms of growing trade and investment. We try to organize more cultural events and events like this to showcase our country.”


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