Homeplus Online sees sales surge during October holiday week

2024. 10. 15. 13:45
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Homeplus CI
Homeplus Online saw a significant boost in sales during the first week of October, driven by the extended holiday period.

According to the South Korean retailer on Monday, its online sales rose 23 percent from September 30 to October 6 from a year ago, with some products experiencing nearly sixfold growth.

Among the top-selling categories, smoked duck sales surged by around six times during the cited period.

Homeplus Online attributed the boost to its direct delivery service from stores, particularly the popular instant delivery option, which attracted both holiday travelers and those staying home.

Daily sales analysis showed that direct delivery orders peaked on October 3, the National Foundation Day holiday.

Instant delivery orders were also higher on both Tuesday and Thursday, both holidays, compared to regular weekdays.

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