More vegetarian meals coming to Korean Air

김주연 2024. 10. 14. 18:40
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Korean Air has partnered with Shinsegae Food to develop diverse plant-based meals for in-flight dining.
Shinsegae Food CEO Song Hyun-seok, fourth from left, and Korean Air C&D Service CEO Choi Deok-jin, fifth from left, pose for a photo at Shinsegae Food's headquarters in Seongdong District, eastern Seoul, on Oct. 10 after signing a memorandum of understanding regarding plant-based meals. [SHINSEGAE FOOD]

Shinsegae Food will develop plant-based meals for Korean Air in collaboration with the carrier's in-flight meal supplier, the catering company said Monday.

Under a memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed Friday, the firm will develop plant-based food products and menu items across different cuisines customized for in-flight meals. Korean Air C&D Service will create in-flight meals utilizing those plant-based products anddeploy them across the airline.

The two companies will also work together to increase supply chains for Korean Air C&D Service's ready-to-eat My Chef products through Shinsegae affiliates, Shinsegae Food said.

Shinsegae Food CEO Song Hyun-seok and Korean Air C&D Service CEO Choi Deok-jin attended Friday's signing ceremony.

“We joined forces with Korean Air to allow customers who enjoy plant-based foods for health or other value-based consumption reasons to choose from a diverse menu,” the company said in a news release. “We will further continue to create menus using plant-based foods in areas other than in in-flight catering.”


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