DeepX claims new chip is so cool it won't melt a stick of butter

진은수 2024. 10. 14. 18:18
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DeepX, a Korean chip designer, will unveil its innovative DX-M1 AI silicon, demonstrating its heat resistance by using a butter test.
DeepX will showcase its tehcnology at SEDEX starting Oct. 23. [DEEPX]

Korean chip designer DeepX will showcase AI silicon that contains heat so well that even a stick of butter doesn't melt on it at the upcoming SEDEX semiconductor exhibition that kicks off on Oct. 23.

The chip company, which specializes on on-device silicon, will demonstrate the so-called butter benchmark for its DX-M1 product at the exhibition. Clients can see for themselves whether a pack of butter melts on it or not, the company said.

“The butter heating test is to show DeepX's cutting-edge, low-power technology,” the company said in a release.

The DX-M1 is an on-device AI neural processing unit (NPU) that DeepX plans to ship to clients in the first half of next year. They will be made on Samsung Electronics' 5-nanometer nodes.

DeepX, founded by former Apple engineer Kim Lo-kwon, possesses some 71 patents registered at home and abroad. It recently raised $80 million in Series C funding, despite unfavorable market conditions, bringing its valuation to $529 million.

SEDEX runs through Oct. 25 at Coex in southern Seoul.


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