Channel, MetaM collaborate on AI call centers

2024. 10. 14. 11:00
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Shin In-soo, CEO of MetaM (left), and Choi Si-won, CEO of Channel Corporation.
Channel Corp., a South Korean operator of Channel Talk, an all-in-one artificial intelligence (AI) business messenger, has signed a business agreement with MetaM to innovate AI-based customer service, the company said on Friday.

Under the agreement, the two companies will collaborate on automating customer service with AI and improving the operational efficiency of customer service centers.

They plan to leverage each company’s expertise in customer satisfaction (CS) services to explore joint business opportunities and pilot AI consultation projects, as well as collaborate on building new AI-driven solutions.

MetaM, a company specializing in AI-based contact center solutions and outsourcing, operates more than 50 direct call centers nationwide.

The two companies, in particular, plan to form a dedicated team for Channel Talk through MetaM’s AICC Shared Center in Myeongdong, central Seoul, to enable small businesses to expand their customer support infrastructure.

Channel Talk is an integrated solution that combines chat support, chatbots, internet telephony, customer relationship management (CRM) marketing, and internal messaging.

Over 170,000 customers across 22 countries currently use Channel Talk, handling more than 70 million customer support interactions each month.

“We will ensure that Channel Talk users can achieve AI consultation efficiency at the optimal cost,” said Channel CEO Choi Si-won.

MetaM CEO Shin In-soo also said that “we will design and operate AI consultation processes that are optimized for various business environments through our collaboration.”

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