Taiwanese Mission chief stresses AI strategy on National Day

2024. 10. 11. 14:49
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Liang Kuang-chung, the representative of the Taipei Mission in Korea speaks at 113th National Day of Taiwan at Lotte Hotel in Jung-gu, Seoul on Tuesday. (Sanjay Kumar/ The Korea Herald)

The Taiwanese Mission in South Korea marked its 113th National Day, underlining future priorities for economic security and global cooperation on Wednesday.

The day commemorates the overthrow of China's last dynasty in 1911 and the subsequent founding of the Republic of China in 1912, following a nationalist revolution that ended the Qing Dynasty.

Delivering remarks, Liang Kuang-chung, the representative of the Taipei Mission in Korea, highlighted Taiwan's focus on smart technologies, space and international trade, while reinforcing the island's democratic values and international ties.

He highlighted semiconductors, artificial intelligence, the space industry, maritime sectors and regional economic integration as key pillars for Taiwan's economic growth and adapting to global supply chain shifts.

“We will promote Taiwan to become an 'AI island' and assist small and medium enterprises, SMEs, to upgrade and transform,” Liang stressed.

Taiwan aims to become an AI island by leveraging its strengths in semiconductors and AI server production, enhancing AI-related chip design, generative AI and talent development to drive economic growth through these dual focuses.

Tawain celebrates 113th National Day of Taiwan at Lotte Hotel in Jung-gu, Seoul on Tuesday. (Sanjay Kumar/ The Korea Herald)

Taiwan has been strengthening economic ties with South Korea by creating a transparent environment for the trade of goods and services.

"Korea is Taiwan's fifth largest trading partner, and Taiwan is Korea’s sixth largest. The bilateral agreement on avoidance of double taxation and prevention of tax evasion (ADTA) went into effect on Jan. 1 this year," Liang underscored.

He also expressed gratitude to the international community for supporting Taiwan in the face of threats from China.

"There is already a strong international consensus that peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait are indispensable to global security and prosperity," he said.

“Korea and the other like-minded countries have repeatedly expressed their strong opposition to any unilateral attempts to change the regional status quo by force."

By Sanjay Kumar(sanjaykumar@heraldcorp.com)

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