Han Kang's 'first reactions' after the Nobel Prize win

임승혜 2024. 10. 11. 00:17
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Korean author Han Kang, the 2024 Nobel Prize winner, expressed surprise and honor, planning to celebrate quietly with tea and her son in Seoul.
Screen capture of Han Kang's telephone interview video with Swedish Academy [SCREEN CAPTURE]

Korean author Han Kang, who won the 2024 Nobel Prize in Literature, said she wants to “celebrate quietly tonight” by drinking tea with her son.

“I’m so surprised and I’m absolutely honored,” she said in a phone interview with the Swedish Academy, which revealed Han Kang’s “First Reactions” video after making the announcement.

She said she had “just finished dinner" with her son in her home in Seoul and that they were both “very surprised.”

“I didn’t work today. I just read a bit and took a walk. It was kind of an easy day for me,” she continued.

The 53-year-old author said she hopes this news is a joyful one to all “Korean literature readers and my friend writers.” She also added that she “grew up with books” and that “all writers, all their determination and all the efforts” have been her inspiration.

For those who are new to her books, she recommended starting with her most recent books.

“I think every writer likes his or her most recent books,” she said. “I feel a good start could be “We Do Not Part.”

Han became the first Korean author and 18th woman to win the prize. She is best known for "The Vegetarian" (2007), which won the Man Booker Prize in 2016. BY YIM SEUNG-HYE [yim.seunghye@joongang.co.kr]

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