HD Hyundai Heavy showcases 2,300-ton submarine in bid for Polish naval project

채사라 2024. 10. 9. 16:47
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HD Hyundai Heavy Industries (HD HHI) is exerting all efforts to showcase its submarine construction capabilities in Poland as it bids for the country's 2.25-billion-euro ($2.5-billion) Orka naval modernization project.
A rendered image of HD Hyundai Heavy Industries' HDS-2300, a 2,300-ton submarine [HD HYUNDAI HEAVY INDUSTRIES]

HD Hyundai Heavy Industries (HD HHI) is exerting all efforts to showcase its submarine construction capabilities in Poland as it bids for the country's 2.25-billion-euro ($2.5-billion) Orka naval modernization project.

The Korean shipbuilder said Wednesday it held a promotion day to display its prowess in submarine construction. The event was held in Warsaw, Poland, and invited some 80 high-ranking Polish government officials.

HD HHI introduced the HDS-2300, its self-developed, 2,300-ton submarine, at the event along with other solutions for the Orka project.

HD HHI is competing with 10 global shipbuilders, including Hanwha Ocean, Germany's ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems and Italy's Fincantieri, to win the Orka project, a government-backed program to supply submarines to the Polish Navy.

Valued at approximately 2.25 billion euros, the program aims to acquire three submarines. The Polish government is expected to select preferred bidders within the first half of next year.

The Korean shipbuilder also signed an agreement with Remontowa Shipbuilding, a Polish shipbuilding company, to cooperate in forming a comprehensive framework for the maintenance, repair and overhaul of submarines.

It also agreed with Pgh2, a local energy company, to expand cooperation in the hydrogen energy business.

"HD Hyundai Heavy Industries is all set to supply the best-performing submarines to global markets," said Joo Won-ho, head of HD HHI's naval and special ship business unit.

BY SARAH CHEA [chea.sarah@joongang.co.kr]

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