Naver Pay launches service that offers information on IPOs

2024. 10. 7. 15:12
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(Naver Pay)
Naver Pay, an online payment service of South Korean tech giant Naver Corp., has launched a service that allows users to view information on initial public offerings (IPOs) at one glance, the company announced on Monday.

The Securities IPO service provides detailed information on IPOs, subscription schedules, and a community feature to assist with IPO investments.

Users can apply for notifications for key IPO-related events such as subscription periods, price determination, and listings.

The service also offers a subscription calculator feature that estimates the number of shares that can be allocated based on real-time subscription competition rates.

Users can also access community features for each IPO, including open chat and discussion boards through Naver Pay Securities.

Once a company is listed, users will be directly connected to the domestic securities service to continue tracking the stock’s information post-listing.

The service also provides information on the initial returns of recently listed IPOs compared to their offering prices.

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