LG Display’s OLED panels recognized for safeguarding eye health

2024. 10. 7. 13:48
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LG Display’s OLED TV and monitor panels have received the EyeSafe ‘Circadian Rhythm Display’ certification. (LG Display)
LG Display Co.’s organic light-emitting diode (OLED) television and monitor panels have been certified as eye-friendly displays.

All of the company’s 27-97 inch OLED TV and monitor panels received the first Circadian Rhythm Certification from Eyesafe, a U.S.-based organization specializing in eye safety. The circadian rhythm refers to the human biological cycle that follows a roughly 24-hour pattern. Eyesafe developed a circadian rhythm protection index based on precise measurements of harmful blue light emissions that affect melatonin secretion, adhering to standards set by the International Commission on Illumination (CIE).

LG Display’s OLED panels emit only 36 percent harmful blue light, the lowest level in the industry, which earned them the highest circadian certification rating. While reducing excessive blue light can cause color distortion, the OLED panels maintain superior color accuracy thanks to their self-emissive pixel structure, minimizing the impact on circadian rhythms.

Eyesafe’s eye health advisory board noted that LG Display’s OLED panels provide comfort for extended viewing and help viewers maintain healthy biological rhythms.

In a joint clinical trial conducted in July by LG Display and Kookmin University, melatonin secretion decreased by 2.7 percent after watching a mini LED TV in the evening, while it increased by 8.1 percent in the group watching an OLED TV.

“We will continue to provide differentiated value to customers with our human-friendly OLED products, which prioritize both image quality and user health,” the company stated.

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