Korea faces setbacks in UAM commercialization

2024. 10. 7. 13:48
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A rendering of the Urban Air Mobility (UAM) aircraft being developed by Hanwha Systems, showing how it is expected to fly. (Hanwha Systems)
South Korea has vowed to commercialize urban air mobility (UAM) starting in 2025, but the initiative is facing setbacks, with the government unable to secure UAM aircraft.

According to documents obtained by Representative Yeom Tae-young of the main opposition Democratic Party of Korea from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport, the K-UAM Dream Team consortium is the only entity that is scheduled to conduct the first phase of the UAM demonstration in December 2024.

The consortium, consisting of SK telecom Co., Hanwha Systems Co., and Korea Airports Corp., will procure aircraft from U.S.-based UAM manufacturer Joby Aviation Inc.

The demonstration was originally planned for September 2024, but was postponed twice due to delays in securing the aircraft.

The UAM Future Team, which involves Kakao Mobility Corp., LG Uplus Corp., and GS Engineering and Construction Corp., had planned to conduct its demonstration in the second half of the year.

However, disagreements within the consortium regarding the contribution to the cost of securing the aircraft following changes in Kakao Mobility‘s management conditions led to difficulties in finalizing the contract, resulting in adjustments to the demonstration schedule and participation method.

The UAMitra team, comprising a UAM industry association, Davo ENC, and Drone-System, also had to postpone its schedule to the first quarter of 2025 because its contract with German aircraft provider AutoFlight Europe GmbH has not been finalized.

Industry insiders noted that K-UAM Dream Team could be the only one advancing to the commercialization stage, depending on the outcome of negotiations.

The land ministry had initially planned to complete the first phase of the UAM demonstration in Goheung, South Jeolla Province, by the end of 2024 and to proceed with the second phase in the Gyeongin Ara Waterway starting in October of the year.

The construction of vertiports, where UAM aircraft will take off, land, recharge, undergo maintenance, and load passengers, is also progressing slowly.

Vertiports are essential infrastructure for the initial commercialization of UAM.

Construction is currently underway on the Ara Waterway route that will connect Gyeyang District in Incheon, Gyeonggi Province, with the Drone Testing and Certification Center, with the goal of completion by November 2024.

Vertiports along the Han River route, connecting the Korea International Exhibition Center (KINTEX) in Goyang, Gyeonggi Province, with Yeouido, Seoul, and along the Tancheon route, connecting Jamsil and Suseo in southern Seoul, are expected to be completed in 2025.

Representative Yeom urged the government to support the procurement and localization of UAM vehicles, given that countries around the world are actively working to secure dominance in the UAM market.

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