Seoul Fireworks Festival ends smoothly, but leaves piles of trash

2024. 10. 6. 14:06
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Trash left behind by visitors to the Seoul Fireworks Festival sits piled up for collection(Yonhap)

The Seoul Fireworks Festival, which organizers said attracted around 1 million people, concluded without major disruptions Saturday night. However, the large amounts of trash left behind by visitors cast a shadow over the event.

Yeouido Hangang Park was packed with families, friends and couples from early morning as they secured prime spots for the fireworks show, which began at 7 p.m.

There were no significant incidents during the festival or while people left afterward. Fire authorities reported no major injuries, aside from a few cases of minor abrasions and dizziness.

Despite the smooth flow of the event, the aftermath was disappointing as large amounts of trash were left behind by the people who came to watch. Spectators left behind wooden chopsticks, paper cups, disposable plates, food waste, cigarette butts and plastic bottles, littering the lawns and areas where they had gathered. Some even left mats and tents behind. Public bathrooms were also strewn with garbage.

The cleanup efforts were carried out by volunteers and some citizens who stepped in to restore the area.

By Shin Ji-hye(

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