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epa11611069 An Indian paramilitary soldier stands guard as a Kashmir voter arrives to cast her for first phase of the local assembly elections, at Naira in south Kashmir Pulwama district some 30 kilometres south of Srinagar, the summer capital of Indian Kashmir, 18 September 2024. The first phase of the three phase Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly polls were held in south Kashmir and Chenab Valley regions of Indian Kashmir. These are the first elections for the J&K Legislative Assembly in 10 years. Indian Kashmir has been without the Legislative Assembly after the Government of India abrogated Article 370 of its constitution ending its semi-autonomous character. The elections are being held under high security arrangements and Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi is scheduled to address a public gathering in Srinagar on 19 September 2024 to boost the prospectus of the right-wing Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) ahead of the second phase of the polling that would be held on 25 September 2024. The third and last phase of the polls are scheduled for 01 October 2024 while the results for the 90-member Legislative Assembly polls would be out on 08 October 2024. EPA/FAROOQ KHAN
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