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epa11594646 Romanian high-school student wearing their highs school uniforms (R), together with their teachers (L), attend the opening ceremony held at the Jerusalem Lion Square, during the first school day at the Lauder-Reut Educational Complex in Bucharest, Romania, 09 September 2024. In Romania, the school year 2024/25 started on 09 September with physical attendance at classes for approximately three million students and pre-schoolers, under the guidance of some 300,000 teachers and auxiliary personnel. The Lauder-Reut Educational Complex was established in 1997 by the international Ronald S. Lauder Foundation and now hosts over 400 students in the kindergarten, lower and middle school. The Lauder-Reut High School opened with a theoretic profile (arts and science) and an extra school offer of business, media and diplomacy, becoming one of the elite private schools in Romania. In 2024, the Laude-Reut Educational Complex is ranked 1st in Bucharest and 10th nationally in the ranking of high schools. EPA/ROBERT GHEMENT
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