Samyang opens Korea’s largest allulose factory

2024. 9. 5. 11:33
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Key attendees participate in a commemorative performance at the completion ceremony held at Samyang Corporation’s Ulsan Specialty (High-Functionality) Plant on the 4th. [Courtesy of Samyang Corp.]
Samyang Corp. has completed the construction of South Korea’s largest allulose factory, aiming to boost its presence in the global alternative sweetener market while reinforcing its leading position domestically.

The company held a completion ceremony on Wednesday for the new specialty factory in Ulsan, on Korea’s east coast. The facility, built with an investment of approximately 140 billion won ($105 million), spans 22,140 square meters, includes two buildings: an allulose plant and a prebiotics plant, and has an annual production capacity of 25,000 tons.

The allulose plant, currently the largest in Korea, has increased Samyang‘s annual production capacity more than fourfold to 13,000 tons. As there are only two companies producing allulose raw materials domestically, Samyang expects the new plant will help it capture a larger market share and strengthen its dominance.

Allulose is a rare sugar found in nature that provides about 70 percent of the sweetness of regular sugar but with zero calories, making it a popular alternative sweetener. Samyang plans to leverage the specialty factory to offer differentiated solutions by combining allulose with prebiotics and expand sales into North America, Japan, and Southeast Asia. The company aims to more than double its specialty business’s revenue share and overseas sales share by 2030.

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