KT showcases AI-powered voice phishing detection program

2024. 8. 30. 11:36
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Photo by MK DB
KT held a demonstration of its AI-powered voice phishing detection program on Thursday at its Gwanghwamun headquarters in Seoul. The program is the fruit of the company’s latest efforts to combat phone scams using advanced technology.

During the demonstration, a KT employee simulated a phone call by reading a pre-prepared script, which included the common scam phrase, “You’ve won the lottery. Please provide your personal information and account number, and deposit the tax fees first. We will transfer your prize money immediately.” In less than 30 seconds, the program flagged the call as a potential phishing attempt, displaying a “Voice Phishing Detected” alert on the screen. Almost simultaneously, pre-set warning messages were sent to the employee’s family and friends, alerting them to the phishing risk. The program’s AI was able to automatically recognize specific keywords and trigger an immediate phishing alert.

This demonstration was part of KT’s “Miracle 100” internal competition, held from May to July 2024, which aimed to discover new business opportunities using generative AI. The event featured presentations from teams that received awards for their innovative ideas and the team that won the grand prize, “Detective Squad,” developed a voice analysis-based solution to detect and prevent voice phishing.

“We will continue to hold the Miracle 100 competition, where our employees can propose and develop generative AI services themselves. The winning programs will eventually be provided as AI services to our customers,” KT Executive Vice President and CTO Oh Seung-phil said.

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