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epa11548779 Men take part in a demonstration on the opening day of talks aimed at a cessation of hostilities in Sudan on Place des Nations in front of the European headquarters of the United Nations, in Geneva, Switzerland, 14 August 2024. International Organization for Migration (IOM) on 12 August warned that the humanitarian situation in Sudan is at 'a catastrophic breaking point', as an estimated 7,914,235 individuals were displaced internally within Sudan and 2,312,968 individuals crossed borders into neighboring countries since 15 April 2023. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced on 23 July 2024 that the US has invited the two fighting sides in Sudan; the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), to participate in ceasefire talks co-hosted by Switzerland and Saudi Arabia on 14 August 'to reach a nationwide cessation of violence, enabling humanitarian access to all those in need'. EPA/SALVATORE DI NOLFI
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