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(240814) -- LINYI, Aug. 14, 2024 (Xinhua) -- Farmers prepare crabs fodder by a crab pond in Xuegong Village, Linyi County, north China's Shanxi Province, Aug. 13, 2024. Located on the bank of the Yellow River, Xuegong Village boasts over 333.3 hectares of Yellow River tidal flats and nearly 333.3 hectares of barren ditches. In recent years, the local community has integrated these lands to develop specialized aquaculture. The Yellow River tidal flats with lush aquatic plants provide excellent conditions for crab growth.
39-year-old Li Nan returned home to start a crab farming business four years ago. Farming crabs was not easy. In the first two years of his venture, due to immature aquaculture techniques, the survival rate of the crabs in his ponds was only about 30%. Through continuous exploration, the survival rate of the crabs he farmed increased significantly.
After several years of dedicated research, Li Nan has now become a well-known "crab farming expert" in the area, and his crab ponds have expanded to 33.35 hectares. Villagers frequently come to him for advice.
Li Nan invited people to shoot videos and livestream the Yellow River crabs from his hometown, showcasing the charm of the rural area through the lens. He also leveraged e-commerce sales channels to sell the crabs. Because of their large size and good quality, the crabs have been well-received in the market.
Today, crab farming has become a distinctive industry for increasing the income of Xuegong Villagers. In 2023, the village's crab production reached 75,000 kilograms. (Xinhua/Zhan Yan)
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