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epa11548709 A handout still image taken from handout video provided on 14 August 2024 by the Russian Defence Ministry press-service shows Russian servicemen fire Russian Giatsint-S self-propelled gun towards Ukrainian positions at an undisclosed location. Acting Governor of the Kursk Region Alexey Smirnov has stated that the situation in the region remains challenging, with the Ukrainian Armed Forces currently in control of 28 settlements, home to approximately 2,000 people. According to Smirnov, approximately 121,000 individuals have been evacuated from the Kursk region thus far. On August 14, Governor of Belgorod Vyacheslav Gladkov announced a state of emergency in response to Ukrainian drone attacks and shelling, marking the second week of Ukraine's incursion into Russian territory. EPA/RUSSIAN DEFENCE MINISTRY PRESS SERVICE /HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
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