ukit 2024. 8. 12. 21:48
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New remains of victims of Vesuvio eruption of 79 AD found in Pompeii

epa11546591 An undated handout photo made available by the Press Office of the Archaeological Park of Pompeii on 12 August 2024 shows items discovered in the excavation area of Regio IX, in Pompeii, Italy. Archaeologists have discovered the remains of two victims of the 79 A.D. eruption of Vesuvius. The skeletons of a man and a woman were found in a small room used as a temporary bedroom during the renovation of the house, which was located in the central part of Pompeii. The woman, who was found on the bed, was carrying a small treasure of gold, silver and bronze coins and some jewelry, including gold and pearl earrings. EPA/ARCHAEOLOGICAL PARK OF POMPEII / HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES

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