CU, TOSS team up for post-purchase bonus point accumulation

2024. 7. 10. 14:42
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[Courtesy of BGF Retail Co.]
Convenience store chain CU announced on Wednesday that it received a positive response for its new service, launched in June 2024 with TOSS, which allows customers to accumulate membership points even after making a purchase. This service is the first of its kind in the retail industry.

Customers can link their CU membership to the TOSS app in order to accumulate points post-purchase. The system automatically analyzes the customer’s card transactions at CU from the previous 14 days to identify purchases that are eligible for points accumulation. Points can be requested starting the day after the purchase and are credited within an hour.

According to CU, the convenience and benefits of this post-purchase point accumulation service have garnered significant attention from customers, resulting in 1.1 million sign-ups and the accumulation of 30 million points within a month of the service’s launch. The service has particularly attracted customers who had not previously signed up for CU membership or who had low usage rates, leading to over 250,000 new CU membership sign-ups via the TOSS app during this period.

BGF Retail, which operates CU, said that it plans to continue enhancing customer benefits and convenience in its membership services, aligning with the growing “app-tech” trend.

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