LG, Yankees launch endangered species campaign

2024. 7. 5. 09:24
글자크기 설정 파란원을 좌우로 움직이시면 글자크기가 변경 됩니다.

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[Courtesy of LG Electronics Inc.]
LG Electronics Inc. said on Thursday that the New York Yankees, a prestigious U.S. baseball team, has joined its campaign to raise awareness for endangered species by displaying images of endangered animals threatened by climate change on the billboard in New York‘s Times Square.

The theme was set to feature the bald eagle, America’s national bird and an endangered species, in line with the U.S. Independence Day on July 4th, 2024.

The New York Yankees agreed to join a campaign that resonates with purpose.

LG Electronics held a symbolic adoption event for endangered animals at Yankee Stadium, the home ground of the New York Yankees from July 2nd to 4th (local time).

Symbolic adoption is a charitable activity where donations made for the restoration and research of wild habitats are rewarded with animal plush toys and adoption certificates.

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