OS LB 2024. 7. 3. 23:28
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Taliban government spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid briefs the press about Doha meeting

epa11454939 Zabihullah Mujahid, spokesperson for the Taliban government, talks with journalists as he briefs them about the Doha meeting in Kabul, Afghanistan, 03 July 2024. Mujahid led the delegation at the third Doha meeting where they discussed the situation of two American prisoners in Afghanistan with the US delegation. Mujahid stated that the meeting was successful and that the Taliban engaged with representatives from 24 countries and organizations. The US State Department has not responded to Mujahid's statement on the prisoners. Concerns about women's rights and education in Afghanistan were raised at the meeting, but Mujahid stated that this is an internal Afghan issue. The Doha meeting aimed to address key issues in Afghanistan and is part of an ongoing process. EPA/SAMIULLAH POPAL

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