LG Display mass produces industry-first tandem OLED panels for laptops

2024. 6. 25. 09:45
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[Courtesy of LG Display]
LG Display has become the first in the industry to apply tandem organic light-emitting diodes (OLED) to laptop panels. On Monday, LG Display announced the development of a 13-inch tandem OLED panel for laptops and the commencement of its mass production.

The tandem OLED technology, first commercialized by LG Display in 2019, involves stacking two layers of red, green, and blue (RGB) organic light-emitting layers. This configuration extends the panel‘s lifespan and increases its brightness compared to conventional OLED panels.

LG Display has tailored the new tandem OLED specifically for laptop use. The new panels boast twice the lifespan, three times the brightness, and up to 40 percent reduced power consumption compared to existing OLED panels.

In addition to these performance improvements, the company has also succeeded in reducing the thickness and weight of the panels. Through enhanced component design and structural improvements, the new laptop OLED panels are 40 percent thinner and 28 percent lighter, contributing to sleek designs and improved portability.

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