University presidents prioritize funding and freshmen, survey finds

이태희 2024. 6. 20. 13:37
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University presidents are most interested in obtaining funding and admitting more freshmen, according to a survey, with many showing increased interest in attracting international students compared to last year.
The Korean Council for University Education holds a meeting with university presidents in January. [YONHAP]

University presidents are most interested in obtaining funding and admitting more freshmen, according to a survey, with many showing increased interest in attracting international students compared to last year.

According to the Korean Council for University Education's survey of 131 university presidents, announced Wednesday, 94 university presidents, or 71.8 percent, said they were interested in securing government funding.

A total of 78 university presidents, or 59.5 percent, expressed interest in admitting more freshmen.

The respondents were able to choose up to five answers.

Admitting international students was the third highest choice, with 69 university presidents, or 52.7 percent, selecting this option.

Another 58, or 44.3 percent, said they were interested in restructuring the academic curriculum, and 52, or 39.7 percent, said they were focused on retaining students at their universities.

Winning funding projects and recruiting freshmen were also the top two areas of interest for university presidents in the same survey conducted a year ago.

However, university presidents showed higher interest in enrolling international students compared to last year.

Admitting international students was the 6th highest area of interest in last year's survey, compared to this year's 3rd place. Last year, the option was chosen by 49 university presidents, or 35.5 percent of the respondents.


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