Girl group Weeekly to tour the Americas for the first time

조용준 2024. 6. 17. 18:19
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Girl group Weeekly will kick off its first tour across the Americas.
Girl group Weeekly will kick off its first tour across the Americas in September. [IST ENTERTAINMENT]

Girl group Weeekly will kick off its first tour across the Americas.

Titled “2024 Weeekly Grand America Tour ‘WU(Weeekly University),’ the girl group will kick off the tour with a performance in Mexico City, Mexico on Sept. 6, followed by concerts in Bogotá, Colombia on Sept. 8, Orlando on Sept. 11, New York on Sept. 12, Toronto on Sept. 15, Dallas in Sept. 17 and in Los Angeles on Sept. 22.

Weeekly will also perform in two unannounced additional cities.

The girl group will return with its sixth EP on July 9. Weeekly debuted in 2020 with its first EP, "We are." The group is known for its upbeat high teen music, shown in songs "Tag Me (@Me)" (2020), "Zig Zag" (2020), "After School" (2021) and more.

To find out more about Weeekly, visit Celeb Confirmed!

Girl group Weeekly will kick off its first tour across the Americas in September. [IST ENTERTAINMENT]

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