Hanwha Q Cells obtains eco-friendly certification in U.S.

2024. 6. 5. 10:36
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[Courtesy of Hanwha Q Cells Co.]
Hanwha Q Cells Co., a total energy solution provider under South Korea’s Hanwha Group, announced on Wednesday that four of its main solar modules from the Q.TRON and Q.PEAK DUO series have received Bronze ratings from the U.S. Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT).

EPEAT is a global environmental assessment system for electronic and electrical products operated by the Green Electronics Council (GEC) in the United States. It provides Bronze certification to products that meet its required standards.

Hanwha Q Cells received high evaluations in several areas, including life-cycle environmental assessment of products, transparent management of raw material and sub-material supply chains, use of recycled materials, wastewater discharge management at manufacturing facilities, and eco-friendly packaging materials.

The company said that the recent additional certifications for three products following the Bronze certification for one module product in February 2024 has enabled it to enter the local public procurement market in the U.S.

Companies can enter the U.S. federal government‘s procurement market if they obtain EPEAT certification for three or more products in a specific field, such as solar modules.

“With this certification, we have secured a differentiated position in the U.S. federal procurement market,” said a company official. “We will actively respond to the demand for eco-friendly products moving forward.”

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