Gyeonggi Province automates overtime pay calculations

2024. 5. 23. 10:12
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[Courtesy of Gyeonggi Province]
South Korea’s Gyeonggi Province has developed an automation program to calculate overtime pay for its non-civil servant employees using ChatGPT, the provincial government said Thursday.

The provincial government developed the program using the artificial intelligence-powered chatbot, with functions such as calculating overtime hours, reflecting break times, validating special leave, and creating payment statements, all of which can be processed automatically with just a few clicks.

Before the program was developed, the provincial government manually calculated overtime pay for these contract-based employees, who are not classified as civil servants but as general workers subject to labor standards laws. The calculation process was therefore often inconvenient and time-consuming.

But the program has vastly simplified the process of calculating overtime pay for about 20 employees, which used to take about two hours but now takes a minute.

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