Police seek arrest warrants for Kim Ho-joong, agency staff in DUI case

김민영 2024. 5. 22. 16:51
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Police applied for arrest warrants for singer Kim Ho-joong, his agency's CEO and another agency official in an ongoing drunk-driving case, according to police on Wednesday.
Singer Kim Ho-joong attended the police investigation session and was questioned for about three hours. [YONHAP]

Police applied for arrest warrants for singer Kim Ho-joong, his agency's CEO and another agency official in an ongoing drunk-driving case, according to police on Wednesday.

Kim has been charged for driving into a stationary taxi while under the influence of alcohol on May 9 in Gangnam District, southern Seoul. After his manager attempted to take the blame for the incident, the singer turned himself in, and on Sunday, he also admitted to driving while drunk.

Kim was called in for questioning on Tuesday. His questioning began around 2 p.m. and finished around 5 p.m., but he reportedly left the station at 10:40 p.m. in an apparent attempt to avoid the press, according to local news reports.

When interviewed by reporters at the time, he said, "What can I even say?”

Kim said that he will comply with “any other investigations left” and “participate sincerely."

"I'm sorry," Kim said, as he got into his car.

Kim was accused of driving into a taxi while under the influence on May 9 in Gangnam District, southern Seoul. After falsely blaming his manager, he subsequently turned himself in, and on Sunday, also admitted to the DUI charges. [JOONGANG ILBO]

Kim stated in the investigation that he had less than 10 glasses of soju and had other non-alcoholic drinks at intervals to make sure he didn’t get drunk, according to police. Kim claimed he was trying to sync up his bluetooth earphones with his phone in his car, which divided his attention from the road and resulted in him losing control.

Police reported that they could not determine the exact blood alcohol level of Kim at the time of the accident because 17 hours had passed before Kim turned himself in to police, meaning that officials could not charge him on site.

Police charged Kim with death and injury due to dangerous driving under the Act on the Aggravated Punishment of Specific Crimes, which focuses on the damage caused by drunk driving rather than the act of drunk driving itself.

Kim stayed in the station six hours longer afterward, saying that he “can't stand in front of the reporters,″ before eventually leaving the police station at 10:40 p.m., nine hours after his attendance. [YONHAP]

Police also applied for an arrest warrant on Lee Kwang-deuk, CEO of Kim's agency on charges of escape and harboring criminals and the agency headquarters' director, surnamed Jeon, on charges of destroying evidence.

Jeon has stated that he "swallowed" the black box memory card in the car, which is key evidence required for Kim's case, according to the police. Lee claimed that he did order the manager to turn himself in to police, but never ordered Jeon to remove the memory card.

Kim is slated to perform at the "World Union Orchestra Super Classic: Kim Ho-joong and Prima-donna" on Thursday and Friday at the KSPO Dome in Songpa District, southern Seoul. Kim is set to perform with sopranos Aida Garifullina on Thursday and Larisa Martinez on Friday.

"Kim will cease all entertainment activities after the 'World Union Orchestra Super Classic' concert," said Kim's agency in a press release on Wednesday. "There will be more statements regarding this incident until the investigation is over."

BY KIM MIN-YOUNG [kim.minyoung5@joongang.co.kr]

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