South Korean, Chinese foreign ministers discuss bilateral ties in Beijing

임정원 2024. 5. 13. 20:36
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In turn, Wang said that the difficulties facing bilateral ties between South Korea and China have increased and called for the two countries to strengthen their friendly cooperation and exclude "outside influences."

"Our two countries have established bilateral ties as a strategic partnership as early as 2008, meaning that we have given our relations with each other more important positions in our respective diplomacies," Wang said. "In this process, the two countries have achieved common development and helped to promote peace and prosperity in the region."

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South Korean Foreign Minister Cho Tae-yul and his Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi, held talks on Monday to discuss bilateral issues in the first visit by Seoul’s top envoy to Beijing in six years.
South Korean Foreign Minister Cho Tae-yul, left, and his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi shake hands during a meeting in Beijing on Monday. [NEWS1]

South Korean Foreign Minister Cho Tae-yul and his Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi, held talks on Monday to discuss bilateral issues in the first visit by Seoul’s top envoy to Beijing in six years.

In his remarks during the meeting at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, Cho emphasized the principles in relations with China, along with Seoul’s willingness to improve bilateral ties.

“My visit this time should not just be a visit for the sake of a visit, but the first step to untangle the threads between the two countries one by one so that South Korea-China relations can move forward step by step,” said Cho. “South Korea does not recognize or manage its foreign relations as a zero-sum game, and as a democratic country, we have been cooperating with other nations in a balanced manner, issue by issue and field by field, based on clear principles and standards.”
“It is important to minimize the constraints on bilateral relations due to the changing geopolitical environment and to focus on cooperation rather than conflict, taking small steps and building on progress,” Cho added.

In turn, Wang said that the difficulties facing bilateral ties between South Korea and China have increased and called for the two countries to strengthen their friendly cooperation and exclude “outside influences.”

“Our two countries have established bilateral ties as a strategic partnership as early as 2008, meaning that we have given our relations with each other more important positions in our respective diplomacies,” Wang said. “In this process, the two countries have achieved common development and helped to promote peace and prosperity in the region.”

While Cho and Wang held a one-on-one meeting and a dinner banquet afterward, it is still unclear whether Cho will meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping during his visit.
During the meeting, the two ministers reportedly coordinated the schedule and agenda of the trilateral summit between South Korea, China, and Japan, which is scheduled to be held in Seoul on May 26 to 27.
They are also expected to have discussed exchanges between the leaders, including President Xi Jinping's possible visit to South Korea and President Yoon Suk Yeol’s visit to China.

Cho departed from Incheon International Airport Monday morning and his visit to Beijing is scheduled until Wednesday.


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