Klean Nara wins deal to develop biodegradable products

2024. 4. 24. 10:48
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[Courtesy of Klean Nara]
Klean Nara announced on Wednesday that it signed a business agreement with SK leaveo to collaborate on the development of biodegradable hygiene products.

Under this agreement, both companies will venture into the joint development of hygiene products made from environmentally friendly biodegradable material known as polybutylene adipate terephthalate (PBAT), which naturally decomposes in the environment.

The initial plan is to launch biodegradable wipes made from PBAT in the third quarter of 2024. The company emphasized that the key focus will be on producing high-strength wipes based on PBAT that offer the same strength and price competitiveness as plastic wipes made from conventional materials like polyester.

The two companies plan to expand the line of products to include diapers and women’s sanitary products made from plastics with vinyl and non-woven fabrics.

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