Gang Dong-won masterminds plots to seem like accidents

2024. 4. 22. 11:36
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“The Plot” (NEW)

Actor Gang Dong-won turns a meticulous mastermind behind plots that appear to be accidents in his upcoming crime drama flick, “The Plot.”

“The Plot” follows Young-il, played by Gang, who believes that all kinds of accidents can be manipulated. Next to him are his security master, Jackie (Lee Mi-sook), disguise master, Wol-cheon (Lee Hyun-wook) and youngest teammate, Jeom-man (Tang Joon-sang), who sincerely support Young-il’s plotting the scheme.

But their solidity as a team faces a new turn as a new client, Joo Young-sun (Jung Eun-chae), and her target, Joo Seong-jik (Kim Hong-pa), appear. Their encounter with an insurance agent, Lee Chi-hyun (Lee Moo-saeng), a detective uncovering the truth, Yang Kyung-jin (Kim Shin-rok), and what's called in Korean a "cyber wrecker,” Hauzer (Lee Dong-hwi) – a YouTuber who post rumors and negative news stories about celebrities – adds another twist, intimidating Young-il and his team.

In a movie poster unveiled Monday, Gang is seen observing someone with a telescope. “Is this a coincidental accident or a planned murder?” written on the poster hints that his involvement in contract killing cases is by plotting them.

The movie, directed by Lee Yo-sup of “Microhabitat” (2017) and “The King of Jokgu” (2013), will be Gang’s first work following 2023 SF fantasy “Dr. Cheon and Lost Talisman,” which was a box office failure, attracting 1.9 million moviegoers while its break-even point was 2.4 million.

“The Plot” opens in local theaters on May 29.

By Kim Da-sol(

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