SA 2024. 4. 18. 21:13
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AfD's Thuringia chairman Hoecke stands trial for banned Nazi slogan

epa11286293 Bjoern Hoecke (C), a former history teacher and current leader of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) political party in the state of Thuringia, flanked by his lawyers Ulrich Vosgerau (2-L), Philip Mueller (3-R) and Ralf Hornemann (2-R), attends the first day of his trial for using Nazi-era terminology, at the court in Halle, Germany, 18 April 2024. Prosecutors accuse Hoecke of having concluded a political rally in Merseburg in 2021 by yelling out 'Alles fuer Deutschland' ('Everything for Germany'), a slogan used by Nazi-era SA stormtroopers, the use of which is a felony in modern Germany. The state of Thuringia is among three eastern German states scheduled to hold state elections in September 2024, and in all three the AfD is currently leading in polls. EPA/JENS SCHLUETER / POOL

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