Samsung integrates LLM-enhanced Bixby into kitchen tech

2024. 4. 18. 08:54
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[Photo provided by Samsung Electronics Co.]
Samsung Electronics Co. is integrating a large-scale language model (LLM) into its virtual assistant software, which will be rolled out on its home appliances starting in July 2024. The generative artificial intelligence will enhance Bixby, facilitating natural voice interactions that are similar to human conversations.

At Eurocucina 2024 Milan, a biennial international kitchen furniture exhibition held in Italy, Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman Han Jong-hee briefed reporters on the company‘s strategy for the home appliance market, which is marked by the broader adoption of generative AI into kitchen tech.

The Bespoke AI Family Hub refrigerator features a 32-inch touchscreen for example, enabling users to watch content in the kitchen and access recipes stored on Samsung Food, a personalized food and recipe app. Its internal camera also tracks food inventory, compiling ingredient lists and issuing notifications as items approach their expiration dates.

Han stated that Samsung Electronics’ advantage is in offering a wider range of products compared to its competitors such as Apple Inc., which does not produce home appliances, and LG Electronics Inc., which shut down its smartphone business.

At the international exhibition, Samsung Electronics brought to audiences its premium built-in products. The built-in wide refrigerator, launched in Europe in April 2024, marks the Korean tech giant‘s foray into wider refrigerator models. The latest model boasts a capacity of 389 liters, an increase of 91 liters from its predecessor.

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