Hyundai Department Store chief urges shift to AI-driven work practices

2024. 4. 9. 09:24
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Hyundai Department Store Group Chairman Chung Ji-sun
Hyundai Department Store Group Chairman Chung Ji-sun has recently called for a comprehensive shift towards artificial intelligence (AI) and big data across the group’s operations.

According to sources on Monday, a recent strategic management meeting attended by executives from across the group including Chung focused on accelerating the group’s digital transformation.

Chung emphasized that this shift is not merely about adopting new technologies but about fundamentally changing the way work is conducted.

He encouraged the development of new business models through this transformation and urged employees to approach system development with the mindset of selling a product to internal employees, aiming for continuous improvement in the work environment.

The group’s digital transition efforts are coordinated by the DT Promotion Office under Hyundai G.F. Holdings, established in 2020.

The office oversees the digital transformation initiatives of various subsidiaries, aiming to foster synergy among them.

In recent developments, Hyundai Department Store introduced Lewis, an AI copywriter for marketing advertisements. It plans to implement services using big data and AI in customer consultation by the second half of this year.

These services are expected to provide optimal responses to customer inquiries.

Handsome Corp., the group’s fashion entity, has begun digitizing work request forms, a significant departure from the industry’s traditional reliance on handwritten documents.

This digital transformation is anticipated to aid in preserving the company’s unique identity by accumulating data on these forms.

Hyundai Livart is also integrating AI into its enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, which will enable customized furniture recommendations based on the specific dimensions and intended use of a space, enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of customer consultations.

Hyundai Dream Tour, the group’s travel subsidiary, has introduced an AI Visa Information Service that offers up-to-date visa information for countries around the world, currently in pilot operation for group employees.

Copyright © 매일경제 & 무단 전재, 재배포 및 AI학습 이용 금지

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