LG Household successfully applies NAD+ in skincare products

2024. 3. 29. 10:12
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[Courtesy of LG Household & Health Care]
Soth Korea’s LG Household & Health Care announced it recently hit a research milestone by successfully incorporating NAD+ – a highly acclaimed factor for alleviating skin aging – into skincare products. The company also said on Thursday that LG Household & Health Care hosted the inaugural LG R&D Day with the theme ‘The Future of Anti-aging, NAD+’ in Shanghai, China a day before.

This is the first time LG Household & Health Care has held a research presentation focusing on skincare ingredients.

NAD+ is a factor found in all living cells that plays a crucial role in restoring the balance disrupted by aging but is known to decrease in the skin over time due to aging. NAD+ recently gained significant attention in the industry as a next-generation anti-aging ingredient after being highlighted in a research paper by David Sinclair, a renowned authority in the field of aging genetics and a professor at Harvard University.

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