OLED panel market for tablet PCs to surge this year

2024. 3. 27. 12:06
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[Source: UBI Research]
The market of organic light-emitting diode (OLED) display panels for tablet PCs is expected to see rapid growth following Apple‘s entry, according to an industry report.

In its annual report titled “2024 Mid- and Large-sized OLED Display” released on Wednesday, market tracker UBI Research projected that the shipment of OLED panels for tablet PCs would grow from 12 million units in 2024 to 28.4 million units in 2028, with an average annual growth rate of 24.1 percent.

The shipment volume of OLED panels for tablet PCs was relatively small in 2022 and 2023, standing at 1.3 million and 1.8 million units, respectively.

However, with the confirmation that Apple’s iPad will feature OLEDs when it launches this year, major OLED panel suppliers Samsung Display and LG Display have begun production for the iPads.

Samsung Display is producing panels for the 11-inch model, while LG Display is manufacturing panels for the 12.9-inch model.

Buoyed by Apple‘s participation in the market, the tablet PC market is expected to grow six to seven times larger compared to last year, as estimated by UBI Research.

“Panel manufacturers are aggressively investing to apply OLED not only to tablet PCs but also to various IT products, which will further expand the OLED market for IT devices,” UBI Research said.

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