SK broadband launches 2030 Direct Plan for 18-39 age group

2024. 3. 18. 12:06
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[Courtesy of SK broadband Co.]
SK broadband Co. announced on Monday that its 2030 Direct Plan aimed at customers in their 20s and 30s has garnered acclaim and has now been officially launched as a formal pricing plan.

This plan is available for customers aged 18 to 39, allowing them to sign up directly through SK broadband’s website B Direct Shop or its 106 Customer Center.

A key feature of this plan is its affordability, with a maximum 55 percent discount compared to non-contract internet products that include Wi-Fi services for one year.

SK broadband explained that currently, about 70 percent of customers who signed up through the non-face-to-face direct channel have opted for the 2030 Direct Plan, indicating its popularity among customers.

Customers who subscribe to this plan can also enjoy a 50 percent discount on dispatch fees for internet installation, and if they are SK telecom mobile phone users, they can receive additional discounts on internet fees by subscribing to bundled products.

SK broadband said it also offers additional benefits for new customers who sign up for the 2030 Direct Plan through the B Direct Shop website.

The benefits include Phishing Care, which provides up to 3 million won in coverage against financial fraud, and a book discount card membership, which offers a 25 percent discount on books when issued an InstaPay card.

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