AFCU acw 2024. 2. 28. 23:42
글자크기 설정 파란원을 좌우로 움직이시면 글자크기가 변경 됩니다.

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(예시) 가장 빠른 뉴스가 있고 다양한 정보, 쌍방향 소통이 숨쉬는 다음뉴스를 만나보세요. 다음뉴스는 국내외 주요이슈와 실시간 속보, 문화생활 및 다양한 분야의 뉴스를 입체적으로 전달하고 있습니다.

Thousands of passengers stranded in Argentina due to aviation unions' strike

epa11186743 The Ministro Pistarini International Airport without lines of passengers or employees at the counters during a day of strike, in Ezeiza, province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, 28 February 2024. Thousands of passengers were stranded on the ground in Argentina, unable to board their national and international flights due to the 24-hour strike carried out by aviation unions to demand better wages. The flag carrier Aerolineas Argentinas canceled 331 flights on 28 February as a result of the force measure, which it estimated will affect around 24,000 passengers. In addition, 10,000 passengers made voluntary changes to their flights in recent days. EPA/LUCIANO GONZALEZ

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