Lotte Duty Free promotes Korean fashion brands in New York

2024. 2. 26. 12:27
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[Courtesy of Lotte Duty Free]
South Korea’s Lotte Duty Free announced on Monday that it participated in the three-day international fashion expo, COTERIE New York, from February 20, showcasing domestic fashion brands on the global stage and finalizing export contracts.

COTERIE New York is an annual inter-company trade fair held in New York, the United States, attracting fashion buyers from around the world and presenting new fall/winter products at over a thousand booths this year.

Lotte Duty Free operated a booth jointly with the Seoul City-supported HISEOUL SHOWROOM, featuring women’s fashion collections and promoting Lotte Duty Free.

Various Korean fashion brands, including C-ZANN E, MA&ME, TINABLOSSOM, and FLENO, participated in the event, securing over 50 export contracts, with the total consultation amount exceeding $200,000.

[Courtesy of Lotte Duty Free]
Lotte Duty Free plans to facilitate successful transactions between global buyers and Korean fashion brands in the future.

Last year, Lotte Duty Free entered into a business agreement with Seoul City for the discovery of K-fashion brands and overseas market development, establishing a Seoul Fashion Week dedicated space at its Tokyo Ginza store.

This year, the company set up a new growth business sector and increased specialized personnel, aiming to leap forward as a global retailer.

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