KX Innovation acquires video content producer EL Media

2024. 2. 26. 12:18
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[Courtesy of KX Innovation Co.]
KX Innovation Co., South Korea’s leading broadcasting transmission business operator, has acquired EL Media Co., a video content production company, in a move to expand its content creation business.

EL Media is a notable player in the video content production market and has produced a list of successful television programs, including KBS2‘s “The Return of Superman,” JTBC’s “Begin Again,” and MBN‘s “Dolsingles.”

It is also actively involved in the agency and management business with 20 actors and entertainers, particularly those with a background in sports.

Through this acquisition, KX Innovation is hoping to broaden its content business and secure various intellectual properties (IPs), thus enhancing the competitiveness of the channels it currently operates.

“We foresee substantial synergy effects with our existing channels by securing content production capabilities,” said KX Innovation’s Chief Executive Officer Han Chan-soo.

KX Innovation has been operating in the broadcasting transmission business since 2000. It currently operates the broadcasting transmission systems for over 80 channels.

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