'The Wisdom of Morrie' points the way to living and aging gracefully

임정원 2024. 2. 15. 15:24
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Morrie Schwartz, the beloved subject of the classic, multimillion-copy number one bestseller "Tuesdays with Morrie," explores questions on life in this profound, poetic and poignant masterpiece of living and aging joyfully and creatively.

The Wisdom of Morrie

Author: Morris S. Schwartz Publisher: Little, Brown

Who am I really? What have I done? What is important and meaningful to me? What difference does it make that I have lived? What does it mean to be truly human, and where am I on that scale?

Morrie Schwartz, the beloved subject of the classic, multimillion-copy number one bestseller "Tuesdays with Morrie," explores these questions and many more in this profound, poetic and poignant masterpiece of living and aging joyfully and creatively. Later life can be filled with many challenges, but it can also be one of the most beautiful and rewarding passages in anyone's lifetime. Morrie draws on his experiences as a social psychologist, teacher, father, friend and sage to offer us a road map to navigate our futures.

A great companion to Tuesdays with Morrie or the perfect introduction to Morrie's thoughtful philosophies, "The Wisdom of Morrie" is filled with empathic insights, stories, anecdotes and advice, told in Morrie's reassuring, calm and timeless voice. Let "The Wisdom of Morrie" be your guide in exploring deep questions of how to live and how to love.


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