'Past Lives' director Celine Song to visit Korea in February

임정원 2024. 2. 14. 09:52
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Actor Yoo Teo, who plays Hae-sung, one of the film's main characters, will accompany Song to events during her visit, distributor CJ ENM announced Wednesday.
Director Celine Song attends the 96th annual Oscars nominees luncheon at the Beverly Hilton in Beverly Hills, California on Monday. [UPI/YONHAP]

Director Celine Song will visit Korea from February 28 to 29 to promote her film “Past Lives,” distributor CJ ENM announced Tuesday.

Song will participate in a press conference as well as interviews and audience sessions during her visit.

“Past Lives,” Song’s directorial debut, tells the story of two childhood friends, Nora and Hae-sung, who meet again in New York City after separating in Korea decades earlier. The film was inspired by experiences from Song’s own life.

Actor Yoo Teo, who plays Hae-sung, will accompany Song to events planned for the director’s visit to Korea.

Main poster for ″Past Lives″ [CJ ENM]

“Past Lives” has been nominated for two Oscars at this year’s Academy Awards — Best Picture and Best Original Screenplay. It was nominated in five categories at this year’s Golden Globe Awards in January.

Song won multiple accolades for her work on “Past Lives,” including Best Director nods at the Asia Pacific Screen Awards and Astra Film and Creative Arts Awards, the Best New Filmmaker award at the Boston Society of Film Critics Awards and the Outstanding Directing — First-Time Feature Film award at the Directors Guild of America Awards.

“Past Lives” is set for release on March 6 in domestic theaters.

BY LIM JEONG-WON [lim.jeongwon@joongang.co.kr]

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