Singer Lee Hyo-ri to speak at Kookmin University graduation ceremony

이태희 2024. 2. 13. 18:19
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Singer Lee Hyo-ri will make a congratulatory speech at Kookmin University's graduation ceremony on Wednesday.
Singer Lee Hyo-ri [YONHAP]

Singer Lee Hyo-ri will make a congratulatory speech at Kookmin University's graduation ceremony on Wednesday.

The singer, an alumna that graduated from the university's School of Performing Arts, will be attending the graduation ceremony to make a speech to the graduating students, according to the university on Tuesday.

This isn't her first appearance at Kookmin University's events, performing at the university's festival in September last year.

Lee debuted as a member of girl group Fin.K.L in 1998 and launched her solo career in 2003 with numerous hit songs such as "10 Minutes" (2003), "U-Go-Girl" (2008) and "Bad Girls" (2013).

Lee is currently the host of KBS late-night music show “Lee Hyo-ri’s Red Carpet,” the fourth season of “The Seasons” (2023-) series, which aired its first episode on Jan. 5.


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