MB 2024. 2. 8. 06:32
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Construction of Kichevo-Ohrid Highway still not completed after 10 years of works

epa11134870 A dog is walking along a section of the under-construction highway Kichevo-Ohrid near Kichevo, Republic of North Macedonia, 07 February 2024. Five people died, and 54 were injured in traffic accidents in the last two years on the road from Kichevo to Ohrid, where construction works for the highway have been going on for ten years. The construction of the 57-kilometer highway began on 22 February 2014. The VMRO-DPMNE government at that time promised that the new road would be completed within four years, by 2018. The following government, of the SDSM party, promised that the highway would be ready by the end of 2023. It was announced that the construction would cost 374 million euros, but the price with the additional annexes to the initial contract has so far reached 598 million euros. The road still remains unfinished. EPA/GEORGI LICOVSKI

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