LP AFCU MB 2024. 1. 20. 00:40
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Former Bolivian vice president says plurinational state did not reach all indigenous people

epa11090140 Alvaro Garcia Linera, former vice president of Bolivia (2006-2019), speaks during an interview in La Paz, Bolivia, 12 January 2024 (issued 19 January 2024). According to Garcia, the lack of representation of indigenous peoples living in the lowlands of Bolivia, who differ from the Aymara and Andean Quechua majorities, is a 'challenge' in the construction of the country's 'plurinationality.' On 22 January, Bolivia will celebrate the 'Day of the Plurinational State,' established in 2010, one year after the adoption of the new Constitution and in honor of the first presidential inauguration of Evo Morales in 2006. EPA/LUIS GANDARILLAS

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